Thursday, 4 April 2013

Project: Doodle A Day ~Celebration~

Day 4: Celebrations
Day 4: Celebrate, I do a happy dance when I get great mail even if its what I bought myself, when I come across an exciting craft supply or letter set. #happydance #washitape #celebrate #snailmail #envelope #doodle #doodleaday #doodleadayapril #patterns
I do a happy dance every time I get a letter, a package or something I've ordered myself... surprises are usually the best.
I do a happy dance when I come across some great craft supplies at the craft store near me. Lately I came across a big box full of washi tape and I'm going to go and buy some for a present... its so exciting.
I do the happy dance on a holiday when I can make use of these things...
Its all worth it to have a celebration!
What do you celebrate?


  1. washi tape, I need a lot more of it!

    I do happy dances for the same reasons I think - oh and new stationary and pens and paints and sparkly things

    1. It is so addictive, I can buy a few rolls now where I live so I will end up with still a lot this way which probably isn't such a good thing.

      Those are such lovely things to celebrate about.

  2. lots of things like a new book, new music just hanging with little man sometime it's the little thing that are worth celebrating

    1. Those are lovely thing and its so true.


Thank you for your wonderful comment.