Friday, 20 July 2012

Project: Inspiration

As you can see this envelope I left in the toliets, I really wanted to leave it in a disabled toliet but there was a lady struggling with her wheel chair trying to access it and I would have had to wait a long time. I decided I would make another envelope at some point to leave in a disabled toliet as I still need to create 7 more to make it to my target of 30.

This envelope I was supposed to leave in the flower area and that one in this toliet but in my haste I left this one first. The toliet was empty which made it so easy to take this photo. These Polish stamps have to be some of my favourites that I have seen so far.

Are you also curious like me to know what people think of these envelopes I've left around?


  1. omg that bathroom scene to cute

    1. They've just done them up and they are so nice which is why I thought in the first place to leave an envelope here (it doesn't smell). The flush is done by sense so you don't even have to touch it completely.


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