I've decided this month to take part in this doodle a day by rhicreations. I've always wanted to do a doodle project and for the first time rhicreations decided to create a challege for all of us to take part in so it was the perfect opportunity. You can still take part and just play catch up as I'm sure it will be a lot of fun.
I decided to try and create a postcard or decorate an envelope using these themes so that I can then post them off into the big wide world to anyone who is interested in receiving it. So if you see something you like let me know and if its still available I'll send it your way. Anyway let me get started.
Day 1: Fresh
This was such hard work to create as I had a few ideas but they just didn't come together. In the end I created this and I really like it. I've posted this to a friend who I'm sure will appreciate it. As you can see you don't need to be brilliant at drawing to take part, a doodle is just that a doodle of randomness.
I created a simple envelope to put the postcard in even though I prefer sending simple postcards like this naked as its nice to have all the postmarks to match. Its not a problem though as I can use my fancy stamps.
Day 2: Light
I originally created a sun but then I came across this quote and had to make my sun and heart this way just to be a little bit different. I had so much fun making it and its simple too.
I can't wait to take part in all the other themes and I hope that by the end of it, it won't feel like a chore. One nice thing is that when I complete this it will be holiday time again! Yes! I will probably not end up posting daily and I may have times when I need to play catch up but I will complete it.
love this